Houpaa Books

Books - Picture Book

In the Middle of the Dark Hallway

In the Middle of the Dark Hallway

Author : Mehdi Rajabi
Illustrator : Ghazaleh Bigdelou
This is the story of a little girl, called Mona. Mona has an extraordinary sense of smell. Wherever she goes, she smells everything first. Some people call her Mona, the Mouse.Once, Mona and her paren...
The Fish of the Upper-Harbor

The Fish of the Upper-Harbor

Illustrator : Ghazaleh Bigdelou
Deep in the waters of the Upper-Harbor, there live a lot of peculiar fish. None of them are alike, but they all want to be the best among others. Each year, they take part in various fish competitions...
 A Sweet Froggy Ribbit

A Sweet Froggy Ribbit

Illustrator : Ghazaleh Bigdelou
It is way past midnight, but Papala is still awake. He has tried to count flies up to 1000, but it has been useless. He wishes he could go to sleep easily like other frogs. He wishes he could have a d...
The Onion's Legend

The Onion's Legend

A vicious witch becomes madly envious over the beauty of the Princess Onion and tries to destroy her by a poisonous apple. With the help of flowers and plants, the Princess pops out of the ground and ...