Artin and his close friend, Sina, accidentally hear about an immortal 150-year-old couple who live in the north of Iran. Sina’s parents are filmmakers. They decide to go to the north and make a film about the old couple's life.
Artin and Sina secretly follow Sina’s parents to learn more about this mysterious couple. Unfortunately, they can't catch up with Sina's parents and get lost in the forest. There, they meet a clever girl, called Gili. Finding out about their plan, Gili decides to join them. With the help of her, they can find a mysterious cat who has all the answers. They want to know more about the cat, but it doesn’t like nosy kids and wants to give them a lesson …
Elham was born in 1983 in Tehran. She has a degree in Computer Hardware Engineering. She is a writer and literary critic. Among the 5 novels she has written f...